Alhamdulillah, dapat balik untuk menghadiri Hari Anugerah Kecemerlangan SMK Sungai Pusu. Tapi, yang tu the next post sebab Aku yakin gambar-gambar yang ada muka Aku semua mesti belum dimuat naik. Lecehnya, balik sebulan sekali, blog terbengkalai :/ Alhamdulillah jugak dapat mc xP Aku usaha keras nak semput sebab boleh dapat cuti lama but Allah tak kasi. Cannot do anything maa. Alhamdulillah jugak dapat keluar dengan Bestarians walaupun 30% je yang datang but it was a blast! Especially lari pergi station Hang Tuah dalam hujan hahhahha. I was planning on meeting with 2 person with the same name but I ended up meeting an extra one hahha. Danial Saifol, Daniell Zuhaimi and Danial Hamdan. Yang malunya jumpa Daniell, tak pernah rasa semalu tu. Teruk sangat, next time I'm sure to not repeat it ever again. KOT

Mulanya Ain (the pink one) ajak it turned out she's the one who couldn't show up. Takpelah kan, next time will do kan? Tengok G.I Joe : Retaliation. Cantik saaaaaaaangaaaaaaaaaaaat macam tengok Fast Five, good news is ada Fast Six tak lama lagi. Ooh Ooh dengan Hunger Games! Ikat perut ketat-ketat bulan ni. Just so you know, Aku berjaya naik 3kg hihi. Susah dohh for a girl like me hahah
Manusia, please don't forget our duties here in this life. I would not want to see any of the people I love fall into hell. I would not want the people I love easily lured to something that is actually pretty ridiculous because we're all not that stupid to differentiate between something good and something bad. Grow up, don't become someone like me. I think I'm retarded, really dead serious -.- Why? For some reason I think you know the answer. Ingat, rugi seseorang itu kerana tidak mengingatkan, menasihit orang lain. Better today, best tomorrow!
A little something for you Marco Simoncelli! RIP :)