Thursday, August 8, 2013

Be me for a day before you start whining


This month has been challenging. Through out the days I spent in Sepintar, life wasn't really as hard as it used to be. I could handle the small pricks and bites, the little changes of the heart. But then I forgot how grateful I should be even when the things provided for me weren't satisfying

Okay, tukar melayu pulak hahah. Dunia hari ini canggih dan mudah, semua di hujung jari kononnya. Malangnya, segelintir sahaja yang memuji Allah kerana kesenangan yang dilimpahkan-Nya. Kalau Atok turun tangga, 'Bismillah' . Sampai bawah dah, 'Alhamdulillah' . Subhanallah, malunya aku yang masih lagi sihat dan bertenaga pun susah sangat untuk memuji Allah yang mengetahui isi langit dan bumi. Mudahnya aku lupa untuk memanjatkan rasa syukurku sedangkan setiap pergerakan anggota badan bergerak dengan izin-Nya. Kalau tidak diizinkan? Masya'Allah wallahualam. This video slapped me hard making me wake up from a happy ever after dream. Thanks to Madame Asma for the video or else I'd still be snoring away without realizing that someone my age is working really hard and gave up school to feed her 4, 5 little brothers and sisters . Don't worry, I cried buckets haha. Press play and put yourself in their shoes for awhile. Trust me, it is worth it

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