Tuesday, December 31, 2013


Jannatul Khuldi. Boys extinct

Bismillah. Tibalah masa tahun 2013 menutup tirai dan memberi ruang untuk 2014
Di sini saya, Aina Farihah bt Mohd Tarmizee ingin memohon maaf atas segala salah silap
saya terhadap semua orang *even when no one's freaking reading lol* Tak sempat nak
post panjang-panjang, padan muka buat lagi semua last minute haha. Gila, tak pernah
aku sekabut ni. Thank you to those who still are willing to guide me through this dark
path. Thank you to those who used to see me as an enemy but now a dear friend.
Thank you to those who've created precious memories with me along this road, it'll
totally help me get in to the New Year mood. This would be the last of me celebrating
New Year's Eve at school. Pejam celik, dah SPM, dah sambung belajar, dah
kahwin, dah ada cucu. Haha. Time flies so fast that I'm trying my best to appreciate
the little things in life

New Year's resolution? Simply to stick to myself and stay strong just like I've
always been all these years. And maybe activate mood SPM ke en haha. To be
honest aku takde semangat nak masuk 2014. Apart from SPM, my life has turned upside
down again at this moment. Talk about a perfect closure haha. We all know that there's
always a silver lining behind every cloud so yeah, good things will turn out Aina.
So keep the faith. Happy New Year everyone, merry meet!

So, here goes

My second time datang Sepintar, pendaftaran freshie

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Sajo bosan ~(-{}-)~

 So this was us, from Turkey! My second home! We had Lambaian Kaabah,
a prcatical Haji and Umrah. I love this picture. First because everyone's in
it. Second, because of Lubaina's face haha, the one with the only red tag

Finally we did something fun without the boys around!

I posted this just to make myself happy again. I just backspaced a 4000 word essay because I don't think I should be all emo and sad and all. I'm happy and I'll always be. Walaupun orang lain berak, aku yang kene tahinya auww sedap bro thank you very much love you haha -.- Nevermind, just don't come crying to me on your knees when SPM is around the corner. I feel so mean right now. Well that's because I didn't realize that I was keeping all the anger in me all this time. So I exploded. It was the last straw :/ I was too nice and too positive so everyone took advantage of that. I never knew the side of me being so unconfident until this year. I was someone known for her ego and toughness but not anymore. Gosh Aina, stop wanting the past. Its the most far away thing you could ever reach

Ya Allah, please send something for me to get myself back together

Just wanted to end this emotional post with something happy to me
Lol bye!

Friday, September 13, 2013

Bravely facing another tune


Alhamdulillah, bertemu kembali kita di tempat yang dah berpuaka ni. Maaflah, taktahu dah nak tulis apa hahaha but to be honest banyak sangat ilmu yang nak dikongsikan. Pause sekejap yang tu. Oh and alhamdulillah, balik rumah dah hahha, next week balik lagi ada appointment :P Macam-macam perasaan bercampur sekarang aku seolah-olah lifeless. Good news, last week jumpa Hasib dekat Convention Centre KLCC dengar talk about Pelan Pembangunan Pendidikan which was actually worth it. Elok-elok Aku sapa dia dengan ekspresi wajah yang teruja boleh dia balas dengan pandangan pelik dari atas sampai bawah. Haha, cakap macam dah 7 tahun kenal. Two days later ke Pusat Sains Negara pulak dengar talks on Polymer. Eh eh, Sungai Pusu ada hahhaha. Sains Tulen je but alhamdulillah, masih lagi diberi peluang mengekalkan ukhwah dengan cara lain. Maaf Aku sombong, dalam hati dah hantuk-hantuk kepala dekat dinding marah diri sendiri sebab tak memanfaatkan coincidence. Takpelah, tahniah untuk team Paintball Lelaki under 18 and team Perempuan Under 15 SMK Sungai Pusu! Sambungkan perjuangan Tarantula walaupun ahli asalnya tinggal seorang sahaja dekat sana :)

Okay beralih kepada BAD NEWS

Nak cerita satu-satu leceh. Lepas satu-satu datang bergolek. Merungut, buntu, tu adalah tapi Aku belum berputus asa. Oops, takkan berputus asa to be exact. Ingatkan, balik rumah ni dapatlah berita gembira ke apa rupanaya hmmm. Aku dah lali dah. Hidup lagi rupanya manusia yang tidak berani untuk berdepan dengan Aku kerana tidak menyenangi Aku, ingatkan pupus dah species ni. Terkejut arnab Aku bukak Inbox, sudahlah pakai nama samaran. Aku kecewa dengan manusia yang bersikap macam ni. Tak puas hati, buat fake acc, add then hantar IM nak tunjuk kebencian dengan cara merepek melalut menggunakan bahasa yang kurang sopan, takut, terus block. Aku kecewa sebab instead of hating to the face dia pakai alternatif lain yang buruk padahnya. Bukankah laman sosial itu sepatutnya dijadikan medium berdakwah, medan untuk berkongsi ilmu dan menambah kenalan? Mengapa harus ada yang mengambil kesempatan untuk menyalah gunakannya dan buat kerja kotor macam ni? Mengapa tidak difikirkan dahulu semasak-masaknya tindakan yang bakal diambil? Bukankah berlaku jujur itu perbuatan yang mulia? Sekiranya engkau tahu betapa mulia orang yang jujur di sisi Allah tentu engkau tidak mengambil tindakan terburu-buru macam ini. Inilah manusia sekarang,

Daripada Abu Hurairah, Rasulullah bersabda
"Seorang Muslim adalah saudara kepada Muslim yang lain, dia tidak harus mengkhianatinya, mendustakan atau mendustainya, tidak juga membiarkannya (tanpa menolong atau melindunginya)"
"Menjadi kewajipan antara orang Islam menjaga kehormatan, harta dan darahnya. Takwa adalah di sini (sambil mengisyaratkan ke dadanya). Sudah cukup seseorang itu dianggap jahat sekiranya dia menghina saudaranya sesama Islam"

Aku pun, . . .

Tidak, Aku tidak marah terhadap engkau. Sebaliknya, aku mengalu-alukan engkau memberikan Aku penjelasan dengan jujur kerana Aku dalam keadaan keliru dengan tindakan engkau. Bukan maksud Aku menuduh engkau pengecut atau menggunakan kata-kata kesat, Aku hanya mahu melahirkan rasa kecewa Aku yang amat sangat terhadap engkau kerana tindakan melulu engkau.

"Ya Allah, permudahkanlah urusan ini, bukakan dan lembutkan hati semua
pihak dengan petunjuk, lapangkan dada mereka dengan Iman, ampunilah dosa
kami, jauhkan kami daripada sifat mazmumah, lindungilah kami daripada
melakukan perkara yang mendatangkan kemurkaan-Mu walaupun
sekecil zarah. Sesungguhnya Engkau Maha Bijaksana lagi Maha Mengetahui.
Dan Engkau Maha Teliti dan tidak lengah dalam memberi balasan
Amin Ya Rabb"

Chemistry, PAI, Biology dan Add-Math on the way!
Fi Hifzillah readers :)

Thursday, August 8, 2013

Be me for a day before you start whining


This month has been challenging. Through out the days I spent in Sepintar, life wasn't really as hard as it used to be. I could handle the small pricks and bites, the little changes of the heart. But then I forgot how grateful I should be even when the things provided for me weren't satisfying

Okay, tukar melayu pulak hahah. Dunia hari ini canggih dan mudah, semua di hujung jari kononnya. Malangnya, segelintir sahaja yang memuji Allah kerana kesenangan yang dilimpahkan-Nya. Kalau Atok turun tangga, 'Bismillah' . Sampai bawah dah, 'Alhamdulillah' . Subhanallah, malunya aku yang masih lagi sihat dan bertenaga pun susah sangat untuk memuji Allah yang mengetahui isi langit dan bumi. Mudahnya aku lupa untuk memanjatkan rasa syukurku sedangkan setiap pergerakan anggota badan bergerak dengan izin-Nya. Kalau tidak diizinkan? Masya'Allah wallahualam. This video slapped me hard making me wake up from a happy ever after dream. Thanks to Madame Asma for the video or else I'd still be snoring away without realizing that someone my age is working really hard and gave up school to feed her 4, 5 little brothers and sisters . Don't worry, I cried buckets haha. Press play and put yourself in their shoes for awhile. Trust me, it is worth it

Saturday, June 8, 2013

Holidays? The End

I'm hours away from heading back to Sepintar. My homework undone, my belongings undone. Cuti habis dah huh . That's not why I'm still sitting in front of a laptop updating my blog with no one reading hahahhahahah. Okaylah so these days, majority of my Facebook friends have been posting statuses related to the word couple, love and Allah. Its common that teenager's mentality about having a boyfriend, being in a relationship and wanting to be loved and appreciated. At this age it is important that they think maturely so that a fairytale doesn't turn into a tragic disaster in the end

Being a 'Couple' seems to be a trend among the teens, and there is no doubt that some of these 'Couples' would say things like "I will never leave your side", "I promise to love you forever", "We will get married and have our own kids" . Cliche. Dahlah, nak memartabatkan BM hahha. Okay so most them yang couple ni lupa kepada hukum yang telah Allah tetapkan. Mereka tersasar daripada jalan yang benar berlandaskan syariat Islam. Cinta itu lumrah manusia dan tiada sesiapa boleh menghalang seseorang untuk menyintai seseorang. Cinta itu menjadi haram apabila menyintai seseorang sehingga menimbulkan nafsu syahwat. Cehh lepas lagi la kan, nope tak lepas lagi. Couple itu tetap salah kerana ia melalaikan kita kerana kita hanyut dengan keseronokan dunia. Tetap salah kerana menghubungi pasangan tanpa urusan yang penting dan munasabah. Tetap salah kerana rentetan itu mendekati maksiat, perbuatan yang terkutuk. Tetap salah kerana ramai yang mengenepikan Allah, agama dan Ibu Bapa. Tetap salah sebab ramai yang terlanjur memegang tangan, tidak menjaga aurat, tidak menjaga pergaulan dan lain-lain yang saya yakin kita semua tahu.

Perempuan di usia remaja ni ramai yang letakkan teman lelaki sebagai kepentingan untuk hidup, priority. Normally jugak perempuan yang tak dapat kawal emosi, selalu berlebihan. Perempuan seandainya kau tahu betapa mulianya engkau! Cinta yang mengikut syariat dan niatnya kerana Allah itu sangat indah. Sangat-sangat indah sehingga saya tidak mampu nak jelaskan bagaimana but this video could explain a bit. Video ni lebih kepada perempuan yang Muslimah. Martabat seorang perempuan itu diangkat oleh Allah. Indah luaran, indah peribadi. Bercakap dengan penuh hikmah. Wahh, susah tahu nak bercakap dengan hikmah, susah nak dapat ilmu hikmah. To be ohnest video ni macam tak tepat dengan apa yang saya cakapkan but takpelah. Sedikit sebanyak, video ni dapat membantu

Arghhhhh tak sempat nak sambung, balik asrama! Goodluck seniors yang dah selamat dan bakal melalui orientasi! But I will continue and elaborate more ont his topic. Another month and a half of leaving this blog deserted, tabahlah Aifa!

Friday, June 7, 2013

4th of June 2013, Don't forget to remember me :(

A minute ago time was in a traffic of snails to me, but now Mr. Holiday is almost finishing his sentence of the last chapter of his new novel. Ready to put a fullstop. I bet every kid under the age of 17 is praying really hard and trying their best to distract Mr. Holiday from even finishing another word. I thought I just left the grounds of Sepintar minutes ago. The next blink of my eyes I'll be in class angry at myself for not finishing my homework and panicked that my clothes are all unironed and in my locker and the next day is Monday. If only we could buy time that'll be cool. On second thought maybe not

Last Tuesday, I was given a chance to meet up with my beloved Bestarians, but just some of them. As always, I expected everyone was there, yup, from Zulkarnain to Sofea. But uhh, 7 was okay. We all went for a karaoke, spent some time in the arcade. Me and Hajar watched Kil which was very very predictable. Husna, Dalila and Mia showed up fashionably late so we sorta separated from them :/All ready for After Earth before I head back to Sepintar or maybe when Outing Day comes. We walked around Wangsa Walk Mall and finally decided to settle down and have our lunch at A&W. That's where all the chaos starts over and over again. We talked, catching up with each other since most of us there were the ones who are now in a new environment. Insya'Allah guys, the next reunion will be at my own backyard. Doalah ea kalau nak lol. We called it a day around 5. Akmal gave us a downright rude goodbye -.- haha It was fun even if we didn't do much. Thank you guys for fulfilling my somewhat the most important thing to do this holiday. Seeing you guys was a priority to me. I needed it to assure myself that we won't leave each other. Its better that we're all far apart but feel really close rather than the other way around. I'm a very dissapointed about those who are slowly putting us behind them when I'm stuck at a place I don't want to be wasting my time wishing and thinking about you guys. It was like a razor-sharp blade really did a good job stabbing my back to hear about those who have changed but not on the right track.

We all know you can't keep gluing a mug up over and over again, the glu wouldn't last long enough to keep the pieces together. And now I realised that was exactly what I'm trying to do and there is nothing to stop it since I'm away to keep reminding you guys, telling you what you've did wrong, showing you what you couldn't see, dragging you to listen to my special speech. What a ride guys, and I hope you really cherished those moments we had as much as I do. Please be good, you don't wanna see me in Friday morning in Sungai Pusu chasing you then grabbed you with your shirt and treat you with my knuckles. Be careful if it does happen haha, I can rip you into pieces in no time. Don't forget that my love is your love

Zakkir (KUSSES), Akmal Rizal (Syed MASHUR? tah) Danial, Aisyah, Hajar (MRSM Parit Buntar), Me, Ain (SBPI Batu Rakit) and Sofea

The best part of the day, talking.


I was singing at the top of my lungs and turned around to find them
taking pictures without me. Ini melampau -,-

We sure wish to come back, but only do we know as we say the words
our hearts knew the truth

Monday, May 27, 2013

And so I continued my talk of nonsense

Alhamdulillah! Urusan peperiksaan di sekolah selesai dengan jayanya. Physics was the last straw for me to turn another page, technically. Never thought it'd be that hard! Tahniah to my big sister Alya Farhanah and all my seniors who are offered a place to further your studies! You made Ibu's wish came true sis, for her to go back to Australia! Ya Rahman Ya Rahim. The last day at Sepintar before the holidays was filled with bliss as we celebrated Teacher's Day. I'm not sure of the theme but it was kampung kesultanan decades ago kind of thing. It was terrific, truly blown away. Farewell Pn. Maimunah! Be better at SBPI Gombak!

 Back in my comfort zone but without most of the reasons while I call it my comfort zone. Hanif's at Mekah, enjoying his umrah! Bring back gallons of Air Zam Zam for me will you! No one will be blowing my phone up as much as he does, really -.- I lost 3 classmates in a blink of an eye. Typical routines now. Ros Adlina, the girl with grace but was actually someone just like me. She's drop dead gorgeous with a genius brain. I'm glad we spent your last days at Sepintar together Ros, I really do. But time never gave me a chance to dig a little deeper about you, to know your heart. Until this day, your name floats about in my mind. And I miss you. Yassmine, you left us behind just after our last war with Physics. An intelligent brain on a beautiful girl. I remember the day we exchange secrets of our darkest past, a point where both of us was on the verge to be fully blinded. But we both tried to travel our way back home. Struggled to wipe the dust off for a clear view. Insya'Allah Yass, we'll both successfully paint the canvas of life with things we learned and cherish. And I miss you. As for you Nabil Sabri, one of your novels is with me. I took it so that you have to come back to Sepintar just to get it back. Well this is IF you are NOT PULLING ANOTHER PRANK. Whoops

Happy birthday Syahirah Jamian! I hope you can make me more of your splendid baked mac and cheese. I'm sorry about what happened. It may not seem like a big deal, but it is to me. Life never exactly goes the way you plan from A to Z. Just keep walking with your head up high. Goodluck, there's more coming for you!

As for me, I'll be shoving ice-cream down my throat while finishing Hell Girl's episode and get fit. No point right :\ Oh and someone please hire me for a job!

Enjoy your holidays everyone! If you run into me, you are welcomed to buy me food ;D

Once it was us, a long long time ago

Saturday, April 20, 2013

Ya Allah, macam-macam benda bercampur-baur dalam otak
Jujurnya, kepercayaan Aku terhadap rakan-rakan semakin luntur
Satu hari, kita bersahabat. Hari seterusnya, kepala sudah hancur dipijak
Cukuplah Allah dan keluarga Aku di sisi Aku
Ya Allah, Tuhan yang membolak-balikkan hati, tetapkanlah aku di jalan agama-Mu dan ketaatan

Monday, April 15, 2013



Alhamdulillah, dapat balik untuk menghadiri Hari Anugerah Kecemerlangan SMK Sungai Pusu. Tapi, yang tu the next post sebab Aku yakin gambar-gambar yang ada muka Aku semua mesti belum dimuat naik. Lecehnya, balik sebulan sekali, blog terbengkalai :/ Alhamdulillah jugak dapat mc xP Aku usaha keras nak semput sebab boleh dapat cuti lama but Allah tak kasi. Cannot do anything maa. Alhamdulillah jugak dapat keluar dengan Bestarians walaupun 30% je yang datang but it was a blast! Especially lari pergi station Hang Tuah dalam hujan hahhahha. I was planning on meeting with 2 person with the same name but I ended up meeting an extra one hahha. Danial Saifol, Daniell Zuhaimi and Danial Hamdan. Yang malunya jumpa Daniell, tak pernah rasa semalu tu. Teruk sangat, next time I'm sure to not repeat it ever again. KOT

Mulanya Ain (the pink one) ajak it turned out she's the one who couldn't show up. Takpelah kan, next time will do kan? Tengok G.I Joe : Retaliation. Cantik saaaaaaaangaaaaaaaaaaaat macam tengok Fast Five, good news is ada Fast Six tak lama lagi. Ooh Ooh dengan Hunger Games! Ikat perut ketat-ketat bulan ni. Just so you know, Aku berjaya naik 3kg hihi. Susah dohh for a girl like me hahah

Manusia, please don't forget our duties here in this life. I would not want to see any of the people I love fall into hell. I would not want the people I love easily lured to something that is actually pretty ridiculous because we're all not that stupid to differentiate between something good and something bad. Grow up, don't become someone like me. I think I'm retarded, really dead serious -.- Why? For some reason I think you know the answer. Ingat, rugi seseorang itu kerana tidak mengingatkan, menasihit orang lain. Better today, best tomorrow!

A little something for you Marco Simoncelli! RIP :)

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Then she sprinted away


Alhamdulillah I can still survive life

Pffffft. Ya Allah, how I miss blogging. One month away from this thing might be one of the most poisonous thing that could cause destruction to my whole body. For a kid whose free from boarding school once a month is like you just landed on earth and yell "Home, sweet home!" like crazy because you've been living on Saturn for a year. I just hate the part that I miss my friends badly there, but when I come home that feeling just vanishes. The ones I thought I'll always have close would forget me. I did expected this. My fault for expecting. No, not really. And now I'm out of words

Fact is I cannot get over the fact that I am no longer a Sungai Pusu student. Ewwwww, never thought I'd be saying this haha. Shit Aina, get over it! You don't go there anymore. Relax Aina, it'll go away before you even notice! *Pat at the back. I can't wait for Hari Anugerah. The sight of seeing everyone gathering at one place with their minds full of gracious memories of the greatest circle of friends to be reunited is delighting. The say if we wait for something, time seems to be running slow like snails stuck in a traffic. So for now I plan to live everyday with a smile. Hiding? Nahhhh, what is to hide? I'd prefer not to waste my life dengan muka belacan as Farid would say. 

F1. Arghhhhhhhhhhhhhhh How could I let my chance slip away!!! Arghhhhhhhhhhhhh. I don't know why I started being so passionate about F1 but I do know it started the first time I set my foot at Sepang. Hehe, jakon :3 Takpelah, next year ada insya'Allah. Harap-harap masa cuti la kan. Luck would probably not be on my side when it comes to going home. SPMMMMMMMMMM. Whop, now this has gone just too far Aina, bring it back!

Good to know some people do miss me and still want to talk to such an anoyying person who brutally soft-puches them. Seriously, those punches were soft! Alas my plan to meet up with my bestfriend Hanif and Syamil failed. Still, I am so proud of them! And Kaklong! And more seniors! Gila, tengah cirit-birit sibuk nak tanya result SPM hahha. Since I have a hard time to go online, I took some time this morning and found something which I think is very very adorable  c:

Nope, not expecting this haha

This one either hahaha

Wa tak perasan poster tu selama ni -.-

Hello KRS :< farewell Pengakap!
Standing second from right :(

so. bye.

Friday, February 8, 2013

I realized too late how much I loved Sg Pusu


Alhamdulillah aku masih lagi bernafas setelah seminggu setengah berhijrah ke bumi SBP Integrasi Rawang. Balik naik KTM tadi, apalagi tidurlahhhhh haaa haha. Adat bumi Sepintar ni kalau boleh nak complain tapi malehhh hahha. 24/7 rasanya menghadap buku. Sungai Pusu dulu pack macam mana pun ada je masa nak tidur. Balik sekolah tengok tv terus pun boleh kaaaaan hahah. Tapi eloklah aku menimba ilmu sebaik-baiknya dekat sini. One thing for sure that makes this place heaven to me so far is tazkirah dia. One of the daily routines I've been waiting for after solat Maghrib before solat Isya'. Aspuri punya belum pernah lagi dengar/tengok but I bet mesti best jugak. Paling best tazkirah ada tayangan video tentang wanita. Awwwwww, hahah. I guarantee Aspuri ada yang blushing masa Aspura ramai jerit "Nak!!" masa Presiden Badar tu tanya siapa nak isteri macam dalam video tu. Haha alahai. Sukan? Hmm Tough luck la sini but I'll see it through :/ I forgot one thing, and that is the fact that muka-muka baru Tingkatan 4 Sepintar semua macam aku. Tengok muka pun dah tahu. Kokurikulum kuat, academics kuat. Apatah lagi budak-budak yang lama. Hmm

Muslimin! *tunjuk Haikal Abdul Mutalib* style budak KISAS haha. Cool kan?
Apa khabar Safwan, Aiman Rashid? Mampukah sahabat menyesuaikan diri di sana?
Tahniah Batch Form 4 Asrama SMK Sg Pusu yang berjaya menempah tempat di MRSM!
Terharu dengar nama-nama yang bakal pergi lebih jauh :( Antaranya Si Hazlan hahaha
Alhamdulillah kalau ada rezeki kita berjumpa lagi!

Awal-awal ini malas nak menyerlah sangat, biarlah diam-diam ubi berisi kan? Tak pernah aku sangka aku akan menangis mengenangkan betapa rapatnya Batch Form 4 Asrama Sg Pusu. Tak ramai dah kan yang tinggal? Mesti tak semeriah dahulu jugak kan? Kalau aku patah balik sekalipun it wouldn't be the same any more. Because most of the people who brightens up my day will be leaving far far away. Afifah Norudin dengan Iman dibawak larinya ke Pengakalan Chepa. Izzatil, Najwani, Alan! Habis dah lesap player paintball semua. Eh, Adilah. Biarlah dia. The last thing I want to do now is cry to myself walking down memory lane. Nope, bukan sebab Adilah hahhaha lawak. But because the people I love who I take them as my Family.

Nisha! Will always be missing you and Dorm Rokiah!

Look what I found! :(

Yang penting cuti ni kena jumpa budak Bukit Indah and main game puas-puas!
May all things turn out right for all of us

Saturday, January 12, 2013

And all these sliding doors we haven't explored


Sekolah sudah bermula bagi aku and semua underaged hahha. Daripada Sains Tulen, aku beralih arah kepada Sains Teknikal :) Tiba-tiba hati terbang ke sana. Malangnya, kalau aku tahu aku nak ambil aliran Sains Teknikal, dah lama aku book tempat untuk ke Kolej Vokasional. Hmmm, adalah hikmah kenapa semua tu jadi. For now dah 3 orang Bestarians yang lari daripada aku, macam aku tak kasi kasih sayang yang mencukupi je huh. Farewell to Afiah Jumat, Sofea Najwa and Akmal Rizal! Moga-moga rezeki anda murah di sana and harap panjang umur dapat bejumpa lagi! Tinggl Ayong, Nassuha and Dalila sahaja yang masih berbelah bagi, sayang sangat dekat aku hahah . To to three of you, moga-moga Allah memberi petunjuk untuk you guys, tapi kalau pindah jangan lupa aku di sini! Kerja sekolah? Dah mula menangguh dah hahah. Susah kalau first week sekolah takde kalkulator, especially bila kita ni dah tingkatan 4. No play play anymore. Bahaya betul kalau skip class nanti, takut tak dapat catch up balik

Minggu depan cikgu dah panggil balik untuk bola baling, kalau rezeki murah cikgu panggil juga untuk bola tampar, hoki and sofbol. Tamak halobakah aku ni? Yang tersalah anggap, maaf aku bukan nak rembat satu tempat dalam semua team sekolah. Tapi, aku memang jenis nak cuba semua benda. Takpelah rasanya eloklah aku lepaskan 2-3, asalkan dapat masuk memanah! Kata Afifah pulak, kalau nak masuk memanah aku kene let go yang lain. Sebab memanah ni kene focus, jauh berbeza dengan aku yang juggle macam-macam dalam satu masa. We'll see how thing turn out then. Paintball lambat lagi lain cerita laaa hahah

Speaking of sukan, Sungai Pusu ada rumah sukan baru. Sukses! Lawa baju purple dia hahah. Disebabkan nak adil rumah sukan semua orang dirombak yang mengakibatkan ramai pelajar sekolah tak puas hati, terutamanya AKU. Alhamdulillah aku dengan Nawariah masih dapat berkhidmat untuk Sukom, tapi orang kuat yang lain dah dibawak lari. Kebetulan pulak tu yang kuat-kuat batch aku majority masuk Sukma and Sukses. Of courselah mereka ni bersemangat sikit nak kalahkan Sukom tahun ni, eloklah tu kan. Asalkan Olahragawati 2012 tak betukar tangan. Apakan daya, siapa nak dengar rintihan aku T.T Dengar cerita pulak, rumah sukan nak rombak balik? Please rewind back to normal

Penat aku membebel, buruk betul perangai. Result SBP and MRSM keluar tak lama lagi, semua benda cepat tahun ni. Ya Allah, mintak-mintaklah aku dapat STF ke SMSS ke mana-mana sekalipun, tak lupa juga kepada batch aku yang nak lari dari sekolah. Save a spot for all of my friends in a new environment and Jannah. All of the precious things in life, sweet or sour happened because of you Ya Razzaq Ya Muqtadir. Tak puas hati aku pun, I'll try to accept reality as it is

May things work out great for all of us!

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Twenty Thirteen


Selamat Tahun Baru semua! Alhamdulillah we're all still breathing in 2013. Things will be different from now on. Aku dah kira senior hahha. Budak petang naik pagi. Nanti banyak muka form 4 hilang, then ada pulak muka form 4 baru. Aku pun dah selamat masuk kelas 4 Ibnu Majjah mengambil science stream as what Kak Sarah Ramora would say it "Welcome to Hell". Haha. I hope I get along with my new classmates since kelas tu mesti berpuak-puak nanti. Aku cemburu sebenarnya bila dapat tahu some of my schoolmates dah study subjek tingkatan 4 dulu. Takpelah, I'd prefer to spend my holidays away from all those books while it lasts. Too bad it already lasted. Esok first day sekolah dan Aku nekad untuk makan Maggi buat kali terakhir. Walaupun esok first day of school, lagak Aku macam budak habis SPM

Banyak benda yang Aku nak capai tahun ni. Kalau nak listkan panjang sangat. Yang penting tahun ni, Aku mesti sentiasa berusaha perbaiki kekurangan Aku. For now, doakan Aku dapat petunjuk sebab hati berbelah bagi nak pindah ke tidak. 

3 Bestari, even if you guys cakap kita takkan berpisah, Aku yakin sedikit demi 
sedikit masa akan memisahkan kita. Takpelah. Biar jauh di mata, asalkan dekat di hati :)

Selamat Jadi Tua Hafiy Radzi! May Allah bless you
Have a great day tomorrow everyone!