Thursday, November 17, 2011

Bila usia meningkat

Hari ni hari ulang tahun kelahiran kawan kita . Yes, this handsome little boy:D Nama dia Muhammad Hanif bin Jamil . Tahun ni dia dah tua, dah berjanggut, dah beruban . Tapi tak hilang seri Bieber -__-' Semalam sanggup tunggu pukul 12 nak wish . Kalau phone ada boleh call terus, tapi apakan daya . Takpelah

This girl hopes for the best for you buddy . May Allah rain you with success and happiness for eternity . I'll try my best to be there for you when you need me . I appreciate the times you spent to listen to the things I spill to you, especially the advices . It helped a lot . Next year kita dua pergi perang :D Tapi perang kau lagi besar :3 PMR kacang je weyh . Hope that you get to achieve your goals while putting a smile on the faces of your loved ones . The All-Mighty will always be with you friend, blessed be

Hadiah? Tunggu 1 December :D

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