Sunday, February 27, 2011

Stepping into the castle

Another day, another story
Tomorrow's my little sister' birthday, Amani Fauzah . She's going to be 3! Soon enough, there'll be no children in this house . Oh wow -.- Today's Sunday, and that means its time I leave home again . Tonight, asrama ada buat perarakan . Oh, bestnyeee . Trial this Wednesday . Tak sentuh pun buku xD Buku novel consider lagi xD

Farid, sorry la cerita separuh jalan . Seriously, aku susah nak online and aku sibuk gilaa . Kak Opie, I miss you too! Kak Faqihah, akak pakai num yang mana sekarang? Confuse la . Abe, Aina minta maaf sangat sangat sebab tak balas lagi surat tu . Lagipun, susah nak jumpa dekat sekolah kann? Sunil and Tarreq, sorry . Dah kana balik asrama dah . Syahmi, annoyying xD Kak Ara, be strong ea? Hope she's in a better place . Hanif, Q A? Oh wow . Maam, another week of not-gonna-see-you-much :( Erza, we don't talk much these days kan? Nevermind :)

Guys, take care

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